Sunday, March 31, 2013

Dear Friends

Hello my dearest friends,

I hope you are all doing well!  I know we haven’t spoken in a while (my fault!) but hopefully you can forgive me.  I’m writing to let you know that for my 37th birthday this year I got…breast cancer!!  (It’s not a joke, but I am trying to find the funny).  I am fine, I am going to be fine, but I wanted to let you know.  I’m so sorry that I cannot bear to call and tell you.  I hope you’ll forgive me.  It doesn’t mean I don’t love you.  It means I love you very much and I want to spare you weepy and maudlin phone conversations.  See how much I love you?!  

At the suggestion of a few people who have listened to me torment over how or whether to share this news, I have decided to tell the story here:   It’s perfect for people procrastinating at work, but feel free to follow the soap-opera at your leisure or just check back in a few months when it will (fingers-crossed!) all be over.  I will cut to the chase and tell you that I have two lumps in my left breast, the cancer has not spread, and I have to have a mastectomy on the left side (and the right could go as well).  I am, of course, trying to make the lumps go away through sheer will power and garlicky green juices by April 19th when I am scheduled for surgery.

Yes, I did tell my nosey family members because they are so damn nosey, calling me every day, wanting to know how I am and what the doctors said and what the tests said.  How is a girl to get any quality time with Avoidance and Denial with all these interruptions?!

Thank you for letting me tell you in this way.  And you actually shouldn’t send me anything - that was a lame joke, too.  Your gift to me is just being my friend.  I love you very much!


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