Monday, May 20, 2013

The Chemo Diaries. Day 1 Part 2.

9:30pm.  I am stoned.  And very very tired.  But I thought you should know that the timeline I was given, of feeling the effects in three days for three days, likely will not apply here.  After Michael dropped me off after lunch, I hit the couch.  I was able to get two calls off - one to Mom and one to Dad.  I rested on and off.  I drank liquids way more often than I wanted to.  The girls came home and I helped make dinner.  But by 7:30pm, I was lying on my side, fighting off a little nausea and getting very emotional.  Michael walked in and hugged me but quickly fetched me some weed.  I cried and cried and cried.  I couldn't help it.  I smoked while I cried and soon felt better.  Stoned and better.  And finally hungry.  I ate a piece of toast and a bowl of the soup that my friend Kate made for me today.   She is an angel and I don't know how to properly thank her.

I am not thinking about tomorrow, or even about tonight.  I am only thinking about this very minute that I am in because that is literally all I can do.  

Thank you for giving me a reason to write.  It is saving me.


  1. Please keep writing, Lauren.
    Love you.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your stories in this remarkable blog. I went through this ten years ago and felt like an alien. I kept trying to describe how I felt - physically and emotionally - and couldn't find the words. Your voice is a gift to the world. I hold you in my heart and in my thoughts, and send kindest wishes to you, to Michael and your girls.

  3. I love you so much Lauren. Please know that even though I am far away I am sending as many positive, healthy, healing thoughts, prayers, and vibes to you and your girls and Michael and your whole family. Thank you for sharing and for writing.

  4. I second Rellie...much love and prayers. xoxo
